Washington University researchers on Monday released a study further suggesting that the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines offer months long protection from the virus. No one had yet studied whether the vaccines create persistent responses in key parts of the lymph nodes, the researchers said. Their data was published Monday in the journal Nature.
Now, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that a single mutation gives SARS-CoV-2 the ability to enter cells through another route – one that does not require ACE2. The ability to use an alternative entry pathway opens up the possibility of evading COVID-19 antibodies or vaccines, but the researchers … Continued
New research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that many, but not all, therapies made from combinations of two antibodies are effective against a wide range of variants of the virus. Further, combination therapies appear to prevent the emergence of drug resistance. The study, in mice and hamsters, tested all single … Continued
Hundreds of thousands of Americans have sought medical care for post-Covid health problems that they had not been diagnosed with before becoming infected with the coronavirus, according to the largest study to date of long-term symptoms in Covid-19 patients. The study, tracking the health insurance records of nearly two million people in the United States who … Continued
New research from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis shows that international travelers often return home with new bacterial strains jostling for position among the thousands that normally reside within the gut microbiome. Such travel is contributing to the rapid global increase and spread of antimicrobial resistance. “Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, … Continued
Some 135,000 fans gathered in the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the Indy 500 over the 2021 Memorial Day Weekend. A Washington University in St. Louis mathematician, who helped write a scientific formula and a paper regarding the risk analysis of fans attending sporting events, has a simple, evidence-driven answer to two questions about that race … Continued
The COVID-19 pandemic — that still has the world firmly in its grip — presented a series of unprecedented, immense challenges for Washington University in St. Louis. Patient care, campus life, lab work and the way we learn were all put to the test and reimagined during the past year.
A new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that, among men, low testosterone levels in the blood are linked to more severe COVID-19. The study contradicts widespread assumptions that higher testosterone may explain why men, on average, develop more severe COVID-19 than women do.
Months after recovery from mild COVID-19, when antibody levels in the blood have declined, immune cells in bone marrow remain ready to pump out new antibodies against the coronavirus, researchers reported on Monday in Nature. Upon infection, short-lived immune cells are generated quickly to secrete an early wave of protective antibodies. As the immune cells … Continued
St. Louis medical researchers are worried about a possible spike in the opioid crisis because a growing number of doctors are prescribing painkillers to COVID-19 long-haulers. A joint study by the Washington University School of Medicine and the Veterans Health Administration is encouraging doctors to seek alternative treatments for long-hauler instead of opioids.