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A participant in the NIH 2019-2020 Medical Research Scholars Program.

Photo Credit: National Institutes of Health

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Should Schools Reopen Amid The Coronavirus Pandemic?

Should Schools Reopen Amid The Coronavirus Pandemic?

Dr. Scott Atlas, a former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution joined the Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill to share his views on the reopening of schools in the fall amid the coronavirus pandemic.

What A Stanford Researcher’s Fight Against Covid-19 Can Tell Us About The Future Of Drug Discovery

In an exclusive conversation, we spoke with renowned bioengineering professor and associate director of the Stanford Institute of Human-Centered AI, Russ Altman, MD, PhD. Altman’s lab focuses on how human genetic variation affects drug response… When Covid-19 took shape, he and his colleagues refocused their mission. While clinical trials can take years, in a matter … Continued

Self-swabbing tests for COVID-19 accurate and safe, study reports

Test samples collected by people who swabbed their own nasal passages yielded results for the COVID-19 virus that were as accurate as samples collected by a health care worker, according to a small study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine. The 30 study participants previously had tested positive for COVID-19. The study was published June 12 in … Continued

Stanford biochemist works with gamers to develop COVID-19 vaccine

It seems like there’s no shortage of news about the novel coronavirus that is sweeping the globe. But if you’re like me, you’re paying special attention to any and all information about the race to develop a vaccine — a crucial step that will save lives and (hopefully) restore life back to something like pre-pandemic times. Recently, Stanford … Continued

New Design Helps N95 Mask Wearers Breathe Easier

Wearing high-grade filter masks can help protect against the novel coronavirus. But after a few hours, these tight-fitting devices can also make it really hard to breathe. N95 respirators, for example, are famously good at blocking viral particles—but they can also reduce the amount of available oxygen by up to 20 percent. Now some Stanford University … Continued

Science in the Fast Lane

The race to respond to the pandemic may mark a watershed in how scientists mobilize and work together to face challenges, with the science of yore seeming as slow as lounge music by comparison. In a short time, the virus has already brought about regulatory changes and an unprecedented volume of publications, not to mention … Continued

“The Future of Everything” Podcast: COVID-19 Special Edition

Listen to this special series of Stanford Engineering’s The Future of Everything podcast to learn how researchers from across the university are bringing their insights and knowledge to address the challenges of COVID-19.

How chloroquine, coronavirus duke it out inside a dish

A pair of closely related drugs, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, have gotten tons of attention, but so far, at best, mixed results in clinical trials for treating COVID-19. But even if therapeutic expectations go unfulfilled, watching how they work in a lab dish can teach researchers a lot.

Stanford scholars and researchers lend their expertise to tackling the COVID-19 crisis

From addressing immediate medical challenges to considering the wider societal, economic and legal implications of the crisis, Stanford is applying its interdisciplinary expertise in the hopes of ensuring an equitable recovery for all people and offering solutions that can be scaled to benefit the world. Here is a sampling of the ongoing work and perspectives.

Stanford engineers develop COVID-19 calculator to help hospitals prepare

A team of engineering and medical professionals at Stanford have created two novel computer tools that can tell local governments and hospitals whether and when they are about to be overwhelmed by the COVID-19 pandemic.