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A participant in the NIH 2019-2020 Medical Research Scholars Program.

Photo Credit: National Institutes of Health

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Research exposes new vulnerability in SARS-CoV-2

Research exposes new vulnerability in SARS-CoV-2

Northwestern University researchers have uncovered a new vulnerability in the novel coronavirus’ infamous spike protein — illuminating a relatively simple, potential treatment pathway. The spike protein contains the virus’ binding site, which adheres to host cells and enables the virus to enter and infect the body.

Northwestern launches COVID-19 registry for vaccine trials

Northwestern Medicine has launched a COVID Prevention Trials Registry for people who are interested in participating in COVID-19 clinical trials to prevent infection from the virus… The at-risk individuals being sought are 18 years and older and working in a job that puts them at higher risk of exposure to the virus. That includes health … Continued

New COVID-19 webinar series focuses on reopening cities across the country

Northwestern University Transportation Center has launched a new weekly COVID-19 series of Asynchronous Virtual Roundtables with transportation industry professionals who are working toward the safe and strategic reopening of cities and regional economies.

New A.I. tool is a potential timesaver for COVID-19 researchers

Northwestern University computer scientists are aiming to speed up treatments and vaccines for COVID-19 — by making researchers’ jobs easier. The team has developed a new tool that searches through scientific literature, predicting the most useful results for each user. After pulling documents of interest, the tool then uses artificial intelligence to generate a short, easy-to-skim … Continued

Clinical-grade wearables offer continuous monitoring for COVID-19

Researchers at Northwestern University have introduced a novel wearable device and set of algorithms specifically tailored to catch early signs and symptoms associated with COVID-19 and to monitor patients as the illness progresses. The Northwestern team, led by bioelectronics pioneer John A. Rogers, published a perspective today (July 1) in the journal Science Advances, in … Continued

“Breakthroughs” Podcast: COVID-19 Deaths and Racial Health Disparities with Clyde Yancy, MD

Although COVID-19 doesn’t necessarily discriminate, some communities are far more susceptible to the disease. People who are black or African-American are more likely to contract the virus – and to die from it. In this podcast produced by Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine, Clyde Yancy, MD, discusses reasons for these outcomes and the need to … Continued

1st-Known U.S. Lung Transplant For COVID-19 Patient Performed In Chicago

Doctors at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago announced Thursday they’ve performed the first successful double-lung transplant on a COVID-19 patient in the United States. The woman in her 20s was otherwise healthy but developed a severe case of COVID-19 that resulted in hospitalization, says Dr. Ankit Bharat, Northwestern’s chief of thoracic surgery.

Placentas from COVID-19-positive pregnant women show injury

The placentas from 16 women who tested positive for COVID-19 while pregnant showed evidence of injury, according to pathological exams completed directly following birth, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study.  The type of injury seen in the placentas shows abnormal blood flow between the mothers and their babies in utero, pointing to a new complication of … Continued

Virus-deactivating mask project receives NSF RAPID grant

A research team led by Associate Professor of Chemistry Omar Farha has received a $200,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a chemically modified face mask that can deactivate viruses, including the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. In addition to reducing the spread of the virus, the innovation will allow healthcare workers to re-use … Continued

Northwestern team develops new antibody test for COVID-19

As antibody testing ramps up across the country, Northwestern University researchers have developed a new method for testing for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) antibodies. The method requires only a single drop of blood collected from a simple finger prick.